Hawaii Vet 2 Vet
Hawaii Vet 2 Vet Inc
Honolulu, HI 96813
Mission Statement
We are an alliance of veterans together to improve health services for all veterans. Our goal is to provide education and support for veterans, their families, and friends; covering a variety of medical, emotional, and social conditions.
We provide support through group meetings in which we stress respect and dignity. We advocate for individuals that need information to make informed choices about their care.
Boston Vet 2 Vet
Safety Rules for Groups
We are all in this together.
* * * LINKS and RESOURCES * * *
State of Massachusetts Women Veterans' Network
VA Boston Healthcare System Volunteers are Making a Difference
State of Massachusetts Veterans' Housing Resource Page
VA Pharmacists Play Key Role in Veterans Health Care
State of Massachusetts Veterans' Employment and Training Resources
Apply for Your VA Health Benefits or Update Your Information here
State of Massachusetts Veterans' Education Benefits Resource Page
Massachusetts Facilities of the Veterans Health Administration
State of Massachusetts Department of Veterans Services
Health and Well Being
Benefits and Services
Burials and Memorials
"We've been there. We can help."
We are veterans committed to helping ourselves and other veterans achieve recovery from the social, physical, and emotional problems that we face.
We can regain a connection with others through groups of fellow veterans.
Vet 2 Vet group facilitators work with VA staff, but are independent and trained by other veterans.
Our Locations
Causeway Street-Community Based Outpatient Clinic
Monday Meetings
Wednesday Meetings
Thursday Meetings
Friday Meetings
Wednesday Meetings
Thursday Meetings
Wednesday Meetings
Thursday Meetings
Friday Meetings
VA Transportation Services Causeway Street / Jamaica Plain Shuttle
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Trip Planner
Copyright 2009,2019
Updated by Mike Peacock 18 November 2020 Hawaii Vet 2 Vet.
All rights reserved.
Hawaii Vet 2 Vet Inc
Honolulu, HI 96813